Terms of Use

Follow the rules of the Clan bot game to get the most out of it.

    Owner and Developer

  • The LimeTeam® Company
  • Creator @limegeeg
  • Kharkiv city, Ukraine

Contact email: [email protected]

    Services we use

  • MySQL Database and PyMySQL 1.0.3
  • Disnake 2.8.1 Python library
  • PebbleHost.com bot hosting

Data Collecting

    By using Clans bot, you agree to all of the following rules and requirements, such as:

  • Saving your gameplay and your user and server ID;
  • Your information and statistics can be used to improve the work of the Clans bot;
  • Bot can read your message content while using commands with text input;
  • Your information is stored and updated in the bot database for 30 days;
  • All your game actions are logged to the official support server to track the bot's usage.

Prohibited Actions

    Your game account or server may be blacklisted due to violations of the following rules:

  • Attempt to crash the bot by over-running functions and commands;
  • The use of bugs and vulnerabilities without notifying the developers;
  • Spam or overly inappropriate support calls;
  • Attempt to disrupt the cross-server economy through bugs or flaws;
  • Use of obscene vocabulary or images in game titles;
  • Selling gaming privileges and items for real money;
  • Provision or sale of premium services and tariffs;
  • Using self-bots or servers to extract game resources.

Premium Subscriptions

Clans provides a choice of 3 types of premium tariffs. The purchase of premium tariffs is voluntary. The bot is not exclusively a paid product. Premium tariffs are needed to support and develop the bot. Tariffs open up new game opportunities for players as well as the opportunity to support its developers. The entire gameplay of the bot is completely free and is not required in the purchase of premium plans.

After purchasing the payment for the selected premium tariff, the tariff will be credited to your server or to your game account within the next 24 hours. The average accrual time usually takes no more than 30 minutes after purchase. On the LimeTeam official support server, you will receive the characteristic Sponsor role after accruing a premium tariff to your server. The Sponsor role will be on your account from the beginning of the activation of the premium plan and until you stop playing the bot, even if the premium plan has already expired.

After applying for a refund, the money can be returned to the buyer's balance within 14 days after the confirmation of the return. Your application may be rejected if you have used more than 75 premium commands in the last 24 hours after purchase. If you bought a tariff for the wrong server or want to change it to another one, contact the bot support service for advice. If at the time of payment you paid more than the required amount or sent money to another account, the purchase is non-refundable.

Support Server

The official support server for the bot is the LimeTeam discord server. We do not provide intermediary servers with competence in helping or setting up a bot. Each verified developer or manager of a bot has the corresponding proof of identity in the bot's game profile “/stats”. You can join the support server by clicking the button from the top of the site.

Stay safe with Clans

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