How to Contact?

Use our support team to suggest ideas, report bugs, errors or if you want to be in our bot support staff

    Contact Instruction: Clans

    To contact support, suggest your idea, report a bug about the Clans discord bot follow the instructions below:

  • On any server with the Clans bot, launch the /help Support menu;
  • In the window that appears, select the appropriate category for contacting support.
  • Join to the LimeTeam support discord server via the link above;
  • Get the discord role ClansPlayer Ru/En to access support channels;
  • Write your question to the help channel or write a private message to any moderator with the Clans Staff role.

    Contact Instruction: Website

    To contact support, suggest your idea, report a bug about the Clans website - follow the instructions below:

  • Join to the LimeTeam support discord server via the link above;
  • Write your private message to any moderator with the LimeTeam role.

Stay safe with Clans

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